Who Am I?

I'm a Polish programmer that pokes OpenGL and most of the time and sometimes WinAPI, that recently decided to use C/C++. I made some projects on Github, some being a nonsense, but some being kind of ... useful?

My current repositories are: SNEK_GL, PSBoi, GWM, RoseGL, Win32AboutDialog, DVD_GL and OpenGLHeart and at the moment im working on TetrisGL.

Some repositories mention MEGC Projects in their name or their license is for those kind of projects. These projects were either a private project I did before, or I made it to try something and that code really dosen't do anything special except what I ,,told'' it to do.

The website looks old but should display on older browsers.

Latest Github Activity 

[ISSUE #7] - SNEK_GL: AboutDialog bugs the game and crashes, after trying to open 2nd time
[1 COMMIT] - on SNEK_GL: Update Reqirements
[10 COMMIT] - on PSBoi: [see the commits]


Github: ApplehatDot
Discord: applehat.

On escargot/nina.chat

: ApplehatDot@escargot.chat
: ApplehatDot
: 301999